CSR : Nelli Plantations
Among Mr. Jayasena’s other areas of interest is that of the medicinal properties of plants and of one in particular: Indian Gooseberry, also known as “Amla” or “nelli” in Sri Lanka. This particular fruit has an unrivalled place in Ayurvedic Medicine. The ancient practitioners of this School of Medicine gave it the name “Amrit Phal” which translates as “the Fruit of Eternal Life”.
Its scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. It possesses one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C of any fruit and is therefore highly effective in boosting the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins. All Ayurvedic medicine uses it as its base.
Mr. Jayasena discovered that Sri Lanka’s nelli forests had been neglected over time leading to a decline in the quality of the fruit.
He has made it one of his missions to reverse this decline and restore the trees to their former glory. He successfully imported Mother trees from India where the stock remains strong and from these trees has, using the budding method, created over two thousand young trees now planted at a special site in the highland areas of Sri Lanka.
Mr Jayasena endeavours to increase the local and global consumption of the fruit as he has personally seen the countless health benefits that it brings. His aim is to donate trees to small time growers interested in cultivating this vital product, thereby promoting independent farming of this superfruit and a steady restoration of Sri Lanka’s forests of life affirming nelli trees.
In addition to our Nelli cultivation, we have ventured in to growing certain varieties of export crops as interplantation between the isles of Nelli trees.